Email Verification
Please enter the email you used to purchase the template.
Character Identity
Here, you can view all attributes of your character. Feel free to take a screenshot and share your progress with the community! This section is expected to integrate with the Community in version 2.0. Stay tuned!
How to create a graph like this?
Create a free account on ChartBase.
Click on [Create a new Chart] button.
Select Radar Chart
Select [Skill] as the chart database.
X axis =Skill ; Y axis = No. Level(Chart)
Play around with the chart styles.
When you are done, click the "Get Embed Link" button to copy the link and paste and replace the original Chart.
Vision Board
In this section, you can set small goals for each module, representing your personal vision and ideal life. You can click on the [New Vision Board] button to add a new module.