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On this page, you can set your growth (Good Habit) and battle (Bad Habit) objectives.
For example, you want to achieve more than 20 instances of good habits or fewer than 10 instances of bad habits by April 10th.
Upon completing these objectives, your character will earn coins and EXP, and specific skills will be upgraded.
Growth Objective
Create a new objective and select the habit you want to target in the Good Habit field.
Choose a specific skill in the Skill field. This selected skill will receive an EXP upon completing the objective. If this objective doesn't relate to any specific skill, you can create a new one or leave it blank.
Fill in the Award Coins and Award EXP fields with the rewards your character and skill will receive upon completing the objective.
Select the start and end dates for your objective. Time Remaining field will show your progress bar.
In the Target Number field, enter the desired number of times you want to perform the good habit before the objective end date.
Note: Your target number must be greater than your Current Number, as the Current Number represents how many times you've currently performed this good habit.
When the objective end date arrives, the Result Field will display your outcome (Success/Failure).
Click the [Close] button to finalize the objective. Once closed, the objective will be archived, and an objective result record will appear in the Activity Log.
Battle Objective
Most of the features in Battle Objective are similar to Growth Objective, with the difference being that Growth Objective is for good habits, while Battle Objective is for bad habits. Therefore, the lower the number of executions for bad habits, the better.
Two values differ from Growth Objective:
After creating the battle objective, select your bad habit in the Bad Habit Field, and leave the Good Habit Field blank.
When filling out the Target Number, aim for a lower number.
When the target end date arrives, if your Current Number (number of executions for bad habits) is less than the Target Number, it's considered a successful objective.