LiFE RPG - Gamify your Success, Level Up in LiFE!

LiFE RPG - Gamify your Success, Level Up in LiFE!

LiFE RPG - Gamify your Success, Level Up in LiFE!

Group Assignment Planner

Group Assignment Planner

Group Assignment Planner


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Group Assignment Planner

Group Assignment Planner

Group Assignment Planner

Seamless Collaboration with your Team Member!

Enhance collaboration among classmates, providing a structured platform for task allocation, management, and efficient meeting coordination. Elevate your group project experience with streamlined organization and effective communication.

Key Features:

  • Collaboration Hub: Foster teamwork by collaborating with your classmates in one centralized space.

  • Task Allocator: Easily assign tasks to team members, ensuring a fair distribution of responsibilities.

  • Task Management: Effortlessly manage and track the progress of tasks within the group project.

  • Meeting Coordination: Schedule meetings with classmates, send invites, and coordinate seamlessly.

  • Meeting Notes Management: Keep organized records of discussions and decisions made during group meetings.

  • Brainstorming Space: Stimulate creativity by providing a dedicated area for collaborative brainstorming.

  • Upcoming Meeting Tracker: Stay informed about upcoming meetings to ensure timely preparation.

  • Responsibility Tracking: Monitor individual responsibilities within the group for effective project management.

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Hear What Our Users Have to Say

Coby Rosy



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I love the responsibility tracking feature! keeps everyone accountable and ensures fair distribution of work.

James Beckham

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Thanks! Our projects are now more efficient and enjoyable!

Kamon Somboon



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Ensures our discussions and tasks are always well-documented and easy to follow.

Malai Lalita

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The collaboration hub and brainstorming space really boosted our creativity.

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